Saturday, November 19, 2011

Delicious Green Goddess Juice...

This drink is delicious, refreshing and super-healthy. You can't help but feel so much better for drinking it, even if you're not used to drinking a lot of greens.
This makes 2 small glasses.

3 x apples
2 slices of ginger
3 celery sticks
handful of spinach
half a cucumber

Juice the whole lot, pour into a jug and stir well.
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Sunday, November 13, 2011

So what exactly is this search about?

'I want a life I adore'
'A life with plenty of time, money, space, lots of lovely friends, a job you'd pay to do. I want to bubble over again. I want to sing in the shower. I want my bounce back'
Explained beautifully in the Suzy Greaves - Making the Big Leap: 7 Steps to Living a Brave, Inspired and Great Life.

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